
The aim of this course is to examine the principles and
processes of evolutionary change at the molecular
level. The course begins with the topic of
mutation, and moves on to the dynamics
of genetic variation in populations. The course
then shifts to a marcro-evolutionary perspective and
examines topics in protein phenotypic variation,
adaptive molecular evolution, molecular clocks,
evolution by genetic co-option, and
paleomolecular biochemistry. This class
provides an important foundation for advanced study
of molecular evolution in classes such as BIOl
4041 (Bioinformatics) and BIOL 4010
(Genes and Genomes).
offering: |
BIOL 3046 [3rd year undergraduate]
Term: Fall 2018
Location: LSC, room C216
Time: 2:35 - 3:55
Format: Lecture
evolution at Dalhousie: |
are many exciting challenges in modern biology that, due
to their exceptional complexity, can only be met through
an integration of biological, mathematical, and computer
science disciplines. Dalhousie University is
particularly strong in each of these areas, with a set of
research groups in molecular evolution and genomics that
is hard to match. The
interdisciplinary environment at Dalhousie is excellent,
and a wide variety of academic options are available to
students wishing to focus their academic program on
molecular evolution and genomics.
Follow the link for more information about
Molecular Evolution, comparative Genomics,
and Evolutionary Bioinformatics
as Dalhousie. |